the Netherlands


Remote monitoring first for Amsterdam hospital

St. Lucas Andreas Hospital has become the first in the Netherlands to introduce a remote monitoring system for cardiac patients
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SAP to release integrated solution in December

Germany’s largest software company SAP and its partner Accenture will release an integrated care solution, called the Collaborative Health Network,
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SAP to start integrated care pilots later this year

Bernard Thibaut, head of the health-related software business at SAP Germany, tells Philipp GrƤtzel about the firm's e-health future.
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Austria named best healthcare system in the EU

Austria has the best healthcare service in the European Union, a survey by watchdog Health Consumer Powerhouse has found. The
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Car emergency call system gathers pace

A European Commission proposed system, aiming to provide cars in Europe with a direct contact to the emergency services, is
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RFID use in healthcare on the rise

The use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in healthcare across the globe now accounts for almost 9% of global RFID
Read More health IT news portal launched

E-Health Media Ltd has today announced the launch of, an independent news and business information portal covering the development
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