

Toolkit launched to ensure patient data is handled correctly

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit, which replaces the previous Information Governance toolkit, has been designed to be a easier
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InterSystems first on ITK accreditation

InterSystems has become the first IT supplier to achieve NHS Interoperability Toolkit accreditation from the NHS, for an integration solution
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Toolkit to nail interoperability – Jones

The new NHS interoperability toolkit has the potential to drive down the cost of interoperability and innovation, according to the
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Alder Hey surveys are Fabio

One of Europeā€™s largest childrenā€™s hospitals has developed an electronic survey system to involve children in their care plans and
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Conferenced in

The future of the national programme was the key topic at HC2009. Sarah Bruce reports.
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DH announces ā€˜app storeā€™ style toolkit

The Department of Health has announced a new toolkit that will allow trusts and other developers to create and share
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Connelly sets a November deadline for suppliers

DH CIO Christine Connelly has given NPfIT's suppliers seven months to make "significant progress" or see a new implementation plan
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NHS launches cancer toolkit

The NHS has formally launched a Cancer Commissioning Toolkit to help local NHS managers to develop better cancer-fighting strategies based
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Fast followers to lead SCR roll out

Seventeen primary care trusts are due to begin implementing the Summary Care Record before 1 April as part of a
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