USB sticks


GPs doing well on data protection – ICO

Most GP surgeries have good patient data protection schemes in place, but email and USB security and breach reporting could
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MH records found in Asda car park

A hospital worker at Bellsydke Hospital in Scotland has been suspended after medical records belonging to patients at a secure
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Trust loses cancer patient data

Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust has been criticised by the Information Commissioner for losing three unencrypted USB sticks
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Scotland awards device security contract

NHS National Services Scotland has awarded a £1m contract to Lumension to nationally enforce security policies governing the storage of
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South of Tyne and Wear secures devices

NHS South of Tyne and Wear is adopting a layered approach to device security in the light of public concern
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Four more organisations breach DPA

The Information Commissioner’s Office has taken enforcement action against another four NHS organisations, taking the number rapped for data breaches
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NHSBT secures portable media

NHS Blood and Transplant is rolling out a project to protect data on laptops, PCs, USB sticks and other portable
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Left to their own devices?

An E-Health Insider survey has revealed a mixed picture on mobile device security. Stephen Pritchard reports.
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2008 ‘a year of data breaches’

Information Commissioner Richard Thomas has expressed concern about continued data breaches from the public sector – almost a year after
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Gematik to evaluate USB sticks for patient records

The German national health IT body has agreed to evaluate USB sticks as a means of storing and carrying electronic
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