Veterans Health Administration


ā€˜VistA for NHSā€™ ready for trusts

An Anglicised version of the VistA electronic patient record system is now ready to be deployed at NHS trusts, according
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VA enveloped in scandal

The much-admired Veterans Health Administration has become mired in a massive waiting times scandal. On the day that the FBI
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First cut of VistA for NHS developed

Two US companies have worked with UK open source experts to create a ā€˜first cutā€™ of an anglicised version of
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Levin warns on NHS open source approach

The former chief technology officer of the US Department of Veterans Affairs has warned that NHS Englandā€™s bid to bring
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NHS spends Ā£300,000 on US exchange

The NHS is spending nearly Ā£300,000 on an exchange programme with the US Veteranā€™s Health Administration to investigate its use
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NHS England to fund NHS VistA projects

NHS England will spend some of the Ā£260m Technology Fund on exploring the development of an NHS VistA open source
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Open eyes to NHS open source

NHS England is considering the Anglicisation of a US open source system for the NHS, but it would be better
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NHS should learn from Veterans Health

The NHS should swap digital health ideas with the US Veterans Health Administration in order to achieve a paperless NHS,
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EHI CCIO: Take in a new VistA

In the latest of his columns, junior doctor Carl Reynolds discusses VistA, and why he thinks clinical leaders should be
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Boomers lead on personal health records

Personal health records have become a reality for millions of Americans, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's annual conference
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