virtual reality (VR)


Guyā€™s and St Thomasā€™ conducts surgical training using virtual reality

Guyā€™s and St Thomasā€™ NHS Foundation Trust has been training its surgeons of the future using innovative virtual reality (VR)
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NHS to pilot smart goggles to free up time for community nurses

The NHS is trialling the use of cutting-edge high tech smart goggles that will be worn by community nurses on
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NHS offers new virtual reality treatment for patients with social anxiety

Oxford VR's social engagement program helps people overcome anxious social avoidance by coaching them through a series of tasks in
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Mental health trust introduces virtual reality for phobia treatment

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has introduced virtual reality as part of the treatments it offers patients suffering
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Augmented reality predicted to edge out VR in healthcare stakes

AR will succeed its technical cousin in the healthcare market owing to falling costs and more practical applications for clinicians,
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