

Conficker worm shuts down trust network

West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust has become the latest NHS trust to be infected by the Conficker worm.
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Mid Cheshire hit by Conficker worm

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been hit by the Conficker worm.
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Anderson: ‘prepare for more viruses’

A well-known IT security expert has told E-health Insider that hospitals need to accept that viruses exist and has urged
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Interim flu line plans unveiled

The Department of Health is drawing up plans for an interim flu line after admitting that its National Flu Line
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No National Flu Line until autumn

A telephone and web-based National Flu Line service to offer advice and authorise access to antiviral medicines in the event
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Planning for pandemic flu

Clinical Solutions is helping to lay the foundations for coping with an outbreak of pandemic flu. Sarah Bruce reports.
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Nettel to ā€˜pursue other interestsā€™

The chief executive of Barts and the London NHS Trust has resigned amid what is starting to look like a
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Barts virus attack ā€˜avoidableā€™

The Mytob worm attack on the Barts and the London NHS Trust network was “entirely avoidable”, an independent review has
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Barts virus caused ā€˜major internal incidentā€™

Last November’s Mytob worm attack on the network of Barts and the London NHS Trust led to its ‘major internal incident’
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New media core to pandemic flu plans

A UK-wide 24-hour telephone and web-based service would be the only route for people to get anti-viral medicines in the
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