Wachter Review


Wachter: NHS needs ā€˜new central investmentā€™ to achieve digital maturity

Professor Bob Wachter believes the NHS requires ā€˜a new central investmentā€™ to achieve digital maturity and realise the potential of
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‘Biggest obstacle’ in digitising healthcare is privacy, Wachter warns

Digitising healthcare was ā€œessentialā€ but it will be ā€œincredibly hardā€ to take advantage of the digital revolution if data canā€™t
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GDE hyperbole risks hobbling NHS IT plans

It's two years since the GDE programme was launched. But Jon Hoeksma argues its overblown language conceals a relatively small
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NHS IT may be a loser from snap general election

The decision to hold a snap general election may further delay efforts to digitise health and care services, argues Digital
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NHS Digital Academy to train 300 CCIOs and CIOs

NHS England is hoping to train 300 NHS staff to become ā€œdigital leadersā€ by 2021 by running them through 12-month
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Six NHS mental health exemplars to get Ā£5m each

A second wave of six digital exemplar trusts is coming, this time for mental health but with less central funding.
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Joeā€™s view: of a Ā£40 million present for the NHS to open

When he was three, Joe McDonald wanted a Johnny Seven one man army, the very latest thing from New Jersey.
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Ewan Davis: time to be brave, minister

Ewan Davis has been using a holiday to India to reflect on the state of healthcare IT; and he reckons
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Updated Newcastle Declaration to ‘bake in’ interoperability

The CCIO Network, the national best practice community of NHS clinical informatics leaders, has updated its 2015 Newcastle Declaration on
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Beyond Wachter: 1% for the 99%

Ewan Davis and Tony Shannon say there is a lot to like about the Wachter Review, but also some worrying
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