Web 2.0


Google gets under skin of human body

Google has launched a body browser program that allows users to examine the human body in layered, 3D detail.
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Cloud2 builds website for Wandsworth

Microsoft SharePoint specialist Cloud2 has developed a platform to host six websites for NHS Wandsworth and its provider trusts. The company
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Suffolk physios create online portal

Physiotherapists from NHS Suffolk have created an online system to help them assess patients and increase the speed of their
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100 polyclinics to shake-up London

NHS London has set out a five year strategy for overhauling healthcare in the capital that includes plans to move care out of
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Sites link up for mental health ratings

The patient feedback site Patient Opinion has linked up with NHS Choices to enable patients to comment online on mental
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NHS Direct has busiest Xmas ever

More than 850,000 people accessed NHS Direct’s telephone and online services over the festive period, making it the helpline’s busiest
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Ā£1.7m for My Health Online

The Welsh Assembly Government has announced it will invest £1.7m in a bilingual website that will enable patients to book
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NHS Direct launches self-assessment tool

NHS Direct has launched an online self-assessment tool that it hopes will reduce demand on its telephone service over the winter
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NHS Direct to miss KPIs

NHS Direct is to miss some of its key performance targets for the last three months of the year, after
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Brown streamlines government with IT

Gordon Brown has outlined plans to encourage much greater use of information, online services and text messaging in the NHS
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