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Hosted by Jordan Sollof

Jordan Sollof

Digital Health Unplugged covers all things health technology and NHS IT. Hosted by Digital Health's news reporter Jordan Sollof, the podcast delves into key issues and news stories in the sector. It also shines a light on the great work taking place from members of the Digital Health CIO, CCIO and CNIO Networks.

Digital Health Unplugged: March news team debrief

Our latest Digital Health Unplugged news team debrief is now live, looking at the biggest stories of the last month.

Join host and senior reporter for Digital Health, Andrea Downey, alongside editor, Hannah Crouch, editor-in-chief, Jon Hoeksma, and senior reporter, Owen Hughes, for a look into what’s been making headlines in the NHS technology space.

As you probably guessed, coronavirus has dominated our news agenda for the past few weeks, with the NHS urging clinicians to go digital wherever possible to reduce face-to-face appointments.

Several IT suppliers have also made their products free to use to help the NHS cope with unprecedented patient demand.

In non-coronavirus news, NHSX have revealed the first wave of trusts in its new Digital Aspirant programme. Twenty-three trusts will share ÂŁ28 million between them in the first year, NHSX confirmed.

But as of yet very little is known about the selection criteria for the programme. Our news team discuss what we know about the criteria and what the aspirants will be expected to achieve.

Digital Health Unplugged will be recording a special coronavirus episode to bring you all the latest news and information on the unfolding outbreak. Tune back in on Friday, 27 March to listen.

Digital Health Unplugged is available on Spotify, iTunes and Apple Podcasts. Follow us to stay up-to-date with each podcast, published fortnightly.

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