Westminster accelerates access to applications

Westminster Primary Care Trust has solved lengthy log in times for community staff by implementing a Cisco Wide Area Application
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Remote access across North Mersey

North Mersey Health Informatics Service has implemented a remote access solution for community-based clinicians, using laptops and 3G services. Already,
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Data exchange needed for urgent care

Urgent and emergency care providers in England must share more data electronically if they are to improve services, the Healthcare
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Keogh outlines priorities for new head of IT

NHS medical director Sir Bruce Keogh has stepped down as the Department of Health’s interim director general for informatics and
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New government funding for telecare

The government’s Technology Strategy Board has announced £11m funding for telehealth and telecare projects, to take the technology to the
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Health Informatics is a career for the future

A report on the future of health informatics as a career will be published by E-Health insider at its Healthcare IM&T
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SCR consent model changes

The NHS Care Records Board will today confirm that patients will be asked for permission to share their record at
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Trusts told to release slots to Choose and Book

NHS trusts have been criticised for failing to provide enough outpatient appointments slots on Choose and Book – and told
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Information prescriptions to be linked to electronic records

The Department of Health is this week expected to set out its vision for information prescriptions that are linked to
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Guidance ā€˜wrongā€™ on amending clinical notes

When the Londonwide Local Medical Committees issued advice to its members on correcting clinical notes it seemed a straightforward matter. Don’t
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