12 November 2021
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Population health analytics have offered a lifeline during the pandemic. Used to drive action, it has empowered providers and the people they care for, to manage their health and care in new ways and enabled the delivery of more integrated, anticipatory, and proactive care.
Two leading examples of applied population health include Frimley ICS’s Covid Oximetry@Home and Berkshire West ICP’s Blood Pressure@Home programmes. An integrated digital ecosystem, consisting of a shared care record, population health platform, personal health record and other apps, is helping identify those in most need and helping them access the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
The programmes are delivering significant benefits. For example, in its first 3 months the Oximtery@Home Programme reduced mortality rates by 42-50% and average length of hospital stay from 9 to 7 days.
The team will be sharing their expanded support to other serious and long-term conditions – including Severe Mental Illness, Diabetes and Long Covid.