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Webinar: Digital Responses to Covid-19: North East Regional Focus

  •  10 June 2020
     3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    In association with

    •  10 June 2020
       3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    On 10 June the third of our regional focus webinars on Digital Responses to Covid-19 will focus on the North East. Each of the regional focus webinars highlight a range of digital responses to Covid-19 across an NHS region.

    The webinar is offered free to members of Digital Health Networks, and will provide a series of snapshots of key initiatives in the North East to help give attendees a bigger picture from those leading initiatives and enable them to put their questions to them in a lively Q&A.

    Members of Digital Health Networks can put their questions to the panelists on the Networks’ online community in advance of the webinars or post them live during the webinar.

    The questions, suggestions, and responses on each session will be collated and shared back with the Network and national presenters.

    We have a great line-up for this regional Covid-19 webinar.


    • Dr Jonathan Harness, GP, Partner at Glenpark Medical Practice and Chief Clinical Information Officer at Newcastle Gateshead CCG
    • Darren McKenna, Director Of Informatics at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
    • Professor Graham Evans, Chief Information and Technology Officer/SIRO at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, Chief Digital Officer at NENC – Integrated Care System and Honorary Professor at Teesside University
    • Graham King, CIO at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


    Please find slides below

    Slide reel Digital Health Webinar v2




    Digital Health webinar will ask