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Webinar: Digital Responses to Covid-19 Briefing and Q&A with NHSX, Video Consultations

  •  16 April 2020
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  16 April 2020
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    The Digital Responses to Covid-19 Briefing and Q&A Webinars, each week feature senior leaders from NHSX, NHS Digital and other agencies leading nationally on digital responses to the Covid-19 public health emergency.

    On 16 April the focus is work being undertaken nationally to enable all parts of NHS primary care to offer remote care through video consultations.  The dramatic acceleration of the digital first primary care agenda has been a key part of the digital response to Covid-19

    The key individuals leading on this work nationally from NHS England and NHS Improvement and NHSX will provide an update on the national procurement now underway, and outline what it aims to achieve, how it will work, the timescales and how practices and CCGs can access the solutions it will provide.

    This is your chance to put your questions directly to the team leading the video consultations procurement and work to help NHS organisations rapidly adopt video consultations through sharing best practice, new guidelines and IG approaches.

    Members of Digital Health Networks can put their questions to the panellists on the Networks’ online community in advance of the webinars or post them live during the webinar.  The questions, suggestions and responses on each session will be collated and shared back with the Network and presenters.


    Jon Hoeksma, CEO Digital Health


    • Dr Minal Bakai, national clinical lead and deputy director for Digital First Primary Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement
    • Prof Trish Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care, Oxford University
    • Nina Wilson
    • Lisa Austin, programme implementation lead digital urgent and emergency care, NHSX
    • Mary Hudson, deputy director for Digital First Primary Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement
    • Diane Baynham, head of digital urgent and emergency care, NHSX


    Please find the slides below.

    Digital Health Webinar – MB’s slides 3.0 (1)

    160420 – Slides for Networks Webinar

    Digital Health webinar will ask