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Webinar: Journal club: National Audit office’s report on Digital Transformation in the NHS

  •  1 July 2020
     7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

    In association with

    •  1 July 2020
       7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

    You are invited to join a Digital Health Networks Journal Club special on the evening of Wednesday, 1 July, 19.00 – 20.30 that will discuss on the National Audit office’s report on Digital Transformation in the NHS.

    To join the meeting simply register below and read the NAO report in advance and join the journal club discussion on the evening of 1 July.

    On 15 May the National Audit Office published a landmark report on Digital Transformation in the NHS, providing the most complete assessment of progress on digital modernisation of health and care since the end of the National Programme for IT in 2012.

    The report is essential reading for all NHS IT leaders and everyone trying to understand how to accelerate digital transformation in UK health services.  Crucially, the NAO report highlights long-term persistent problems in policy formation and delivery, unrealistic and confusing targets, organisational fragmentation, lack of standards, under-investment, and poor data on benefits and costs remain endemic.  Lessons are also still not systematically captured or applied.

    The report, written just before the Covid-19 pandemic, makes a series of practical recommendations on the steps needed to improve the prospects of success of future digital transformation of the NHS.

    As we begin to look beyond the immediate Covid-19 crisis response the NAO report provides an opportunity for NHS IT leaders to reflect on progress and lessons of the past decade and how to apply them to what comes next.

    We hope you can join us for this Networks Journal Club special


    Jon Hoeksma, CEO, Digital Health

    Yvonne Gallagher, Director Digital Transformation , NAO
    Paul Wright-Anderson, Manager Health Value for Money, NAO


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