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Webinar: Learning in a new direction: NRLS to LFPSE

  •  1 June 2022
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  1 June 2022
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In 2021, Radar Healthcare was certified as the first compliant organisation in supplying software suitable for Learning from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) services. The certification was made possible with the collaboration of Radar Healthcare and NHS Improvement.

    Working alongside Milton Keynes University Hospitals NHS Trust (MKUH), – the first NHS Trust to become compliant, all three organisations were able to work in collaboration and adapt to the new service before anyone else. They took that opportunity to gain insight into how their individual organisations’ practices could be improved for future services and frameworks.

    With the deadline set for 2023 to move from NRLS to LFPSE, we want to share information about the journey so far to you now – including the benefits to come, challenges faced and the future of patient safety recording.

    In this webinar, you will discover:
    • The features that Radar Healthcare have created and adapted to satisfy both LFPSE and the workers who will be using it
    • What challenges were found during the project and how they were overcome through effective collaboration
    • How Radar Healthcare worked with Paul Ewers, Risk Manager at Milton Keynes University Hospitals NHS Trust, to find the perfect balance between patient safety and user satisfaction
    • What the future holds for patient safety recording and how we’re all going to benefit.


    Molly Kent Molly Kent
    Patient Safety Specialist – Radar Healthcare




    Paul Ewers Paul Ewers
    Risk Manager – Milton Keynes University Hospitals NHS Trust




    Marcos Manhaes Marcos Manhaes
    Head of LFPSE and NRLS, Patient Safety – NHS Improvement









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