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Webinar: The future of remote working?

  •  5 March 2021
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  5 March 2021
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    The provision of personal computing (rather than personal computers) in healthcare has changed significantly in the past 12 months. The pressures on NHS IT infrastructure to support remote working has intensified and new, innovative approaches are needed.
    This webinar will examine how remote and mobile workforces can benefit from recent developments in cloud-based Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) in addressing the challenges of:

    1. Providing an appropriate pay-per-use cost model
    2. Optimising infrastructure to support NHS workloads
    3. Integration into existing IT estates

    The speakers include:

    1. Jon Rex, the Chief Information Officer at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust who will outline the secrets to successful implementation
    2. Ciaron Hoye, the Head of Digital at Birmingham CrossCity CCG who will describe the lifecycle governance and support
    3. Dennis Kehoe the Chief Executive at AIMES who will identify the challenges and which of these are really key.

    The session will discuss in detail:

    1. What does the future of personal computing within the NHS need to look like?
    2. How do we move from where we are currently in terms of services and support?
    3. How can the NHS afford it and make the business case for the investment?

    Attendees will gain insights into:

    1. The technologies that are available to support remote working;
    2. How to overcome the implementation and adoption challenges within an NHS organisation;
    3. The financial implications of moving to a new model of remote provision

    Digital Health webinar will ask