084 numbers


084 numbers banned

The use of expensive 084 numbers by GP practices has been banned by NHS England.
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NHS Direct withdraws from 111

NHS Direct is withdrawing from all of its NHS 111 contracts saying they are ā€œfinancially unsustainableā€.
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084 numbers under review

NHS England is reviewing the use of 0844 telephone numbers by GP practices, saying patients should not be paying more
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Two new surgeries get 084 numbers

Two GP surgeries have recently introduced 084 telephone numbers despite a decision by the Department of Health to ban the
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DH toughens stance on 084 numbers

The Department of Health appears to have toughened its stance on use of 084 telephone numbers by GP practices in
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Two NHS bodies drop 084 numbers

The Summary Care Record Information Line and an NHS hospital have become the latest NHS organisations to drop their premium
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GPC enters the fray on 084 numbers

GP practices can continue to use 084 numbers if they obtain confirmation from their supplier that they are no more
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New directions on 084 numbers

The Department of Health has issued directions to NHS organisations on the use of 084 telephone numbers.
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DH bans use of premium rate phone number

The Department of Health has announced that the use of premium rate phone numbers in the NHS is to be
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Ofcom launches 111 consultation

Ofcom has launched a consultation on the use of a national 111 non-emergency number for healthcare. Following the consultation, the
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