
Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•

This Coffee Time Briefing includes a call for countries to align health checks across borders through WHOā€™s Global Digital Health
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34,000 medication errors reported last year despite investments in tech

Last year saw a total of 34,000 medication errors made, including 21 incidents leading to patient death, and a further
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•

This briefing features a lawsuit against UnitedHealth and InnoScot Health and Heriot-Watt University partnering for a webinar on medical device
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NHS England has not yet proven its case on FDP

With the award of the Federated Data Platform contract said to be delayed until mid-November, Digital Health's Jon Hoeksma argues
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Government to miss 2024 target for digital prescribing

The government has admitted it is set to miss its goal of eliminating paper prescriptions by 2024, following a report
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YouTube fights disinformation with verification of health workers

YouTube is continuing with its efforts to verify UK health workers on its channel in a battle to tackle the
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HEE renews clinical decision support tool than can integrate with EPRs

Health Education England (HEE) is extending its use of BMJ Best Practice, a decision support tool that can integrate with
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AI could lead to ‘overdiagnosis’ of breast cancer, tech body warns

The technology is often seen as ā€œlike magicā€ in healthcare but there is little scientific evidence to support its use
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BMJ Best Practice made free to access for NHS staff

All staff in England can now access BMJ Best Practice, a point of care tool that guides clinicians and healthcare
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Covid-19: Video consults require ‘major changes to a complex system’

Strategic leads at both a national and local level will be required to deploy video systems in the face of
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