case study


HIMSS EMRAM: Enovacom’s expert guide

The HIMSS EMRAM (Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model) certification is an internationally recognised quality label that demonstrates a healthcare organisation's
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Finland’s largest central hospital takes giant leap in patient monitoring technology

The brand-new state-of-the-art Nova Hospital in central Finland was completed in 2021. Its aim to adopt innovative technology specifically in
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Digitisation of NHS prescriptions using E-Sign secure technology for National Clinical Homecare Association (NCHA)

The trade body for the clinical homecare industry, NCHA, put out a tender for a single, standardised digital solution to
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What to expect from EPR transitions in 2023 and beyond

Electronic Patient Records (EPR) are essential to delivering more joined up and integrated care. NHS Englandā€™s stated aim is for
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Accelerating digital transformation in health and social care with iPad

Using Apple technology, combined with healthcare-specific apps and value-added services, Academia help deliver on some of the most important outcomes
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Enhancing one of the oldest shared care records: the Care and Health Information Exchange extends into care homes

Covid-19 gave new urgency to the need for fast, secure access to medical records across health and social care boundaries.
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How a population data set and predictive risk analytics underpinned Wirralā€™s social media health campaign

Healthy Wirral Partners used Oracle Cernerā€™s vast population data set and predictive risk capabilities to encourage vaccination uptake among people
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Population health in action: a Primary Care Network approach to health inequalities

North Lewisham Primary Care Network has developed an innovative programme which uses the power of data to focus resources towards
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Trust’s cloud-based digital solution boosts their elective surgical backlog recovery

West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust harnessed the power of digital transformation with Pathpoint SurgiCare, an end-to-end clinical workflow solution, to
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How Mid and South Essex ICS have created a single waiting list to help speed up elective recovery

To help alleviate NHS backlogs, Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) partnered up with Insource to create a
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