

Nintendo DS to offer diabetes care

A pharmaceutical company has unveiled a blood glucose meter for children with diabetes that connects to the Nintendo DS and
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Changing child health systems

A consortium of primary care and acute trusts in the south west discuss the implementation of McKessonā€™s Care Plus child
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Professionals start using ContactPoint

Up to 800 health, education and social care professionals are to start using the national children’s database ContactPoint from today,
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Task force demands ICS overhaul

The government is to change its rules on IT systems for children’s services after accepting that current systems fail to
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TPP named as CSC strategic solution

Primary care software supplier TPP has announced that it has signed an agreement with local service provider CSC, which makes
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At least four southern trusts plan for Lorenzo

At least four hospitals in the South of England intend to implement Lorenzo, according to informatics plans, with community and
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Work stops again on ContactPoint

The introduction of the national children’s database ContactPoint has been suspended after local authority staff discovered loopholes in the system
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Call to scrap ‘illegal’ NHS patient database

A quarter of all government databases, including NHS Detailed Care Records Service and NHS CRS Secondary Uses Service, are illegal
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Laming – review IT for children’s services

The government must look at rolling out a single national IT system for children’s services because local IT systems are
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Scottish LMCs demand action on IT choice

Scottish GPs have strongly criticised the delay in procuring a choice of GP IT systems and called for funding for
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