

Sunderland Royal Hospital rolls out digital portering

Following a successful trial in its radiology department, Sunderland Royal Hospital has now rolled out digital portering task management software.
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New website to compare social services

A new website designed to help people examine how their local social services are performing, has gone live today.
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Power to the People

Paul Hodgkin, the chief executive of Patient Opinion, says the NHS has turned Henry Fordā€™s old adage into ā€œyou can
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Power to the people

Dr Paul Hodgkin, the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, wonders why policy makers are obsessed with choice, when
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Power to the people?

Will the information revolution drive choice and quality in the NHS? Fiona Barr weighs up the evidence.
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More doubt cast on impact of info

Presenting high quality data to patients is unlikely to directly drive improvements in the quality of care, according to a
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King’s Fund urges caution on choice

The government should be cautious about patientsā€™ ability to make use of information to choose hospitals, the Kingā€™s Fund has
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Making patient control the goal

Patient control of records is the governmentā€™s stated goal. Fiona Barr teases out the challenges ahead.
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Connelly says patients will have control

The NHS director general of informatics has confirmed that the government plans to provide patients with the ability to ā€˜controlā€™
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Lord Darzi launches NHS ratings app

Former health minister Professor Lord Ara Darzi has launched an iPhone app that allows users to rate NHS services and
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