

Friends and Family Test review published

NHS England has published a review of the Friends and Family Test which shows that response rates are lower than
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South West Yorkshire gets IT partner

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has awarded a Ā£9m contract to Phoenix for provision of IT services.
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Liverpool gets Emis access on tablets

Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust has deployed 1,500 tablets to give its staff access to Emis Web in the community.
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EMIS buys Ascribe for Ā£57.5m

Primary care systems supplier EMIS has purchased clinical software supplier Ascribe.
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Rotherham community get moving

Rotherham community clinicians have quicker and easier remote access to TPPā€™s SystmOne following the deployment of SafeMove.
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Devon community does digital

Northern Devon community health staff are using mobile devices to electronically record more than 9,000 patient contacts a week.
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Clouds ahead for Locala

Locala Community Partnerships has signed with Dell for a hybrid cloud service to move forward with its mobile working project.
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Online community for brain disease

A patient-run online platform for information and comments about rare diseases, has launched its 40th community.
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Lewisham confirms Cerner deployment

Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust will deploy Cernerā€™s electronic patient record system across its hospital and community health services.
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Kent community gets advanced

Kent Community Health NHS Trust will start rolling out Advanced Community next month.
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