

Think-tank calls for self-service NHS

A think tank has called for people to be given the option to register with the NHS nationally rather than
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Get consent 2 txt – MDU

GP practices are being advised to get patients’ explicit consent before communicating with them via text message. Latest advice from
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Hants GP wants explicit consent for SCR

A GP practice in Hampshire has recorded opt-out requests for the Summary Care Record from 20% of its patients, having
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Sweden and GTC build e-health framework

The Global Trust Council (GTC) is in negotiations with the Swedish government to create an internationally recognised e-health framework. The
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NI rolls out national flu surveillance

The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Business Services Organisation in Northern Ireland is preparing to
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GP bodies clash on SCR

The Royal College of General Practitioners has publicly backed the Summary Care Record following criticism of its consent model by
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GPs urged to be ā€˜constantly alertā€™ on privacy

GPs have been advised to be “constantly alert” to potential threats to patient confidentiality and privacy as their representatives back
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Legal advice on SCR and Spine

GPs have been given medico-legal advice about the implications of using the Summary Care Record and uploading information to the
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Consent back on LMCs’ agenda

Grassroots GPs are to return to the debate for an opt-in approach to the transfer of patient identifiable data and
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On the record

NHS Bolton was the first PCT to adopt the SCR. Fiona Barr asks how it is doing.
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