

Audit Scotland flags concerns with ECR

Scotland’s national audit body has raised concerns about the scope and quality of the country’s Emergency Care Summary. In its latest report
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EMIS Web to receive CfH approval by autumn

EMIS Web, the next generation clinical system from GP system supplier EMIS, is likely to get NHS Connecting for Health
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CfH on the brink of new deals with CSC and BT

NHS Connecting for Health is on the brink of signing new renegotiated deals with its two main remaining contractors, Computer
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Team of GPs to review QoF indicators

A team of GP academics and the Royal College of General Practitioners have been appointed to lead an overhaul of
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Damp Holding AG awards contract to iSoft

iSoft has won a two-year €1.65m contract with German private healthcare group Damp Holding AG to provide an integrated radiology
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Hospitals breaking DPA every day

The BMA says hospitals are breaking the Data Protection Act on a daily basis by sending referral correspondence to the
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Wales publishes pathology shortlist

Six companies have been shortlisted as potential providers to develop a national pathology laboratory system for Wales. The procurement is
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Vision 3 first GPSoC level 4 system

INPS has announced that its Vision clinical system has become the first GP system to achieve GP Systems of Choice
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Call for overhaul of Scottish IT

GP representatives in Scotland have called for full integration of GP and secondary care systems and changes to out-of-hours services
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PCTs to offer local incentive schemes for data accreditation

PCTs will need to offer local incentive schemes for data accreditation from April to support the national roll-out of the
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