

Maudsley looks to ‘insource’ services

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust is hoping that a new digital network will help it to meet efficiency
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Cuts hit IT investment, EHI survey shows

NHS trusts are looking to ā€œsweatā€ their current IT systems instead of invest ā€œin new toysā€ as they struggle with
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Hospital IT cuts and job losses revealed

Massive cuts at acute trusts are feeding into job losses, a preoccupation with finances rather than patient care, and cuts
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Osborne condemned for ‘no budge budget’

George Osborne has underlined the governmentā€™s determination to reduce Britainā€™s deficit by reducing public spending in his 2011 budget.
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BMA tells Lansley to halt revolution

The British Medical Association has called for the government to stop its plans for a massive reorganisation of the NHS
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Revolution leads to revolt at BMA

Doctors are to consider outright opposition to the Department of Healthā€™s plans for a massive overhaul of the NHS at
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Managers focused on cuts not reform

Senior managers are more worried about balancing their finances than grappling with the latest round of NHS reforms, an NHS
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Digital dictation replaces Leeds jobs

The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will reduce medical secretary posts by around a third by introducing digital dictation and
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50,000 job losses identified across NHS

More than 50,000 NHS staff posts are due to be cut across the UK, according to a union-backed campaign against
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NHS faces ‘defining year’

The NHS is facing a ā€˜defining yearā€™ in which it may need to make even bigger efficiency savings than so-far
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