

NHS IOW cuts costs with ScriptSwitch

NHS Isle of Wight says it has cut its prescribing costs to more than 9% below the national average through the
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Funding forecast is colder than ever

The NHS would have to make historically unprecedented productivity gains to close the gap between its likely funding after 2011
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Scotland delivers e-prescription service

Scotland has announced that it has become the first country in the UK to deliver an electronic prescription service, with
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Money, money, money

The theme of this yearā€™s NHS Confederation conference was money; or rather the coming lack of it. Lyn Whitfield reports.
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CfH jigsaw still ‘missing pieces’

The NHS IT programme is a jigsaw ā€œstill missing piecesā€ that need ā€œto be found and put in placeā€.
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Burnham wants ā€˜health service fit for the digital ageā€™

New health secretary Andy Burnham has said that despite the NHS’ coming financial problems, he still wants to see a
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Map of Medicine use cuts poor referrals

Use of Map of Medicine in primary care has led to a significant reduction in inadequate referrals from GPs, according
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BMA leader calls for NPfIT to be scrapped

One of the leaders of the British Medical Association has described the NHS IT programme as ā€œthe worst case of
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Cerner UK announces redundancies

Cerner has announced a round of redundancies of UK staff, based on the sharply reduced number of implementations it now
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Trafford chooses SRC for digital dictation

Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust has announced it is deploying a trust wide digital dictation solution from SRC, based on WinScribe digital
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