cyber security


Virus all but shuts down Northern Lincolnshire and Goole

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust has shut down the majority of its IT systems in response to a
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Davey Winder: older does not mean wiser

Healthcare IT devices and software are expected to work hard for a long time. From a security point of view,
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Wales invests Ā£11 million in NHS devices and security

A multi-million pound government funding package for the NHS Walesā€™ IT systems and infrastructure has launched by Welsh health secretary,
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National Cyber Security Centre to help tackle NHS threats

The National Cyber Security Centre became operational this week and some of its first goals will be improving security practices
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Shaw says NHS is under frequent cyber attack

The NHS is under frequent cyber attack, with a national attack that ā€œmay or may notā€ have been state sponsored
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Fancy Bears hackers use plain old phishing to steal health records

The World Anti-Doping Agency has been hacked. Whatā€™s that to do with healthcare IT? Well, it was health records that
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Davey Winder: whereā€™s the appetite for security?

Our cyber security columnist is worried that in all the high-level enthusiasm for health apps, far too little thought is
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NHS Digital to roll out new CareCERT cyber security services

NHS Digital is to start rolling out its expanded portfolio of CareCERT cyber security services across health and social care.
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N Irish nursing home fined Ā£15k over data breach

A Northern Irish nursing home has been fined by the Information Commissionerā€™s Office for failing to protect the sensitive data
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Davey Winder: turn on, tune in, log-out

Leaving computers logged-in is a security risk and it can be a patient safety risk. To stop it happening, techies
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