Data collection


Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•Ā 

Today's briefing includes US regulators approving a label expansion for Wegovy and research showing the NHS is failing to collect
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Real time data collection changes the game for the stroke patient pathway

An integrated live stroke registry can enable clinicians to stay on the front foot across the entire patient pathway. By
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Better data collection could improve patient safety in surgical procedures

A whitepaper from Proximie has highlighted the patient safety issues the NHS is experiencing and how data collection could improve
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NHS digital apps’ data could reduce health inequalities

A report from the NHS Race and Health Observatory has made recommendations for how the NHS rebuilds, collects and uses
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National Data Guardian calls for ‘commitment to transparency’

Dr Nicola Byrne said people need to trust they can share their data with confidence without concern their data may
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GPDPR September implementation date is scrapped

The implementation date of the GPDPR programme has been scrapped and instead data collection will now only begin when certain
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NHS Digital CEO says organisation needs to ‘face GPDPR challenge’

The interim CEO at NHS Digital hasĀ said the organisation needs to 'face the challenge' after concerns were raised over the
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G7 called on to support ‘systematic’ approach to global data sharing

Better use of data to support clinical trials and underpin global disease surveillance were key points to come out of
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Calls to pause new GP data collection service gather speed

A doctor-led campaign group and a Conservative MP have joined calls to pause the proposed General Practice Data for Planning
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How GP data is saving lives

Richard Alcock, director of primary care technology at NHS Digital explores how GP data is saving lives ahead of the
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