Data quality


IT and data quality incentive for Scottish GPs

Scottish GP practices will be able to earn an average of £3,800 over the next six months from an IT
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Data payments announced for Scottish pharmacists

Community pharmacists in Scotland are to receive payments for ensuring the data quality of their patient records ahead of the
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Initial sites wanted for the next phase of EPS

NHS Connecting for Health is recruiting primary care trusts to be initial implementation sites for release two of the electronic
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Funding for data accreditation must be a priority

Strategic health authorities have been instructed to make support for GP practice data accreditation a priority, the Healthcare Computing conference
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Read code will trigger care record opt-out

The Read code 93C3 will be used as one way of identifying patients who do not wish to have a
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Opt-out consent model to be kept for SCR

 The government is to stick to its plan that patients must opt-out of the NHS Care Records Service (NCRS), although
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PRIMIS CHART e-audit tool launched

An e-audit tool to allow GP practices to assess the quality of their data as part of the IM&T directed
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Wales to tender for GP software at national standards

Wales is to go out to tender for GP software suppliers to comply with a national framework contract in a move
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Hosted INPS and iSoft accredited by CfH

Two hosted GP practice systems have so far received accreditation from NHS Connecting for Health. INPS Vision 3 Enterprise edition,
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IM+T DES participation check advised

Primary care trusts are being advised to contact all GP practices to check if they intend to take part in
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