Data quality


CfH looking for PCTs to trial summary record

NHS Connecting for Health is looking for primary care trusts to become early adopters for the NHS Care Records Service
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Troubled child health system to be replaced

NHS Connecting for Health (CfH) looks set to replace an interim child health information system deployed in London last year and
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RCGP backs ‘opt-in’ model for national care records

The Royal College of General Practitioners has decided to back an ‘opt-in’ model for the national NHS Care Records Service
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Primis wins NHS data quality contract

Primis, the primary care data quality service, has won a four year contract with Connecting for Health to work with
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Trials of ‘summary spine record’ to begin in 2006

Summaries of GP records from a small number of practices are to be loaded onto the NHS spine from August
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National data quality review called for

The NHS needs a national overview of data quality and coding integrity as the Payment by Results regime gathers pace,
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Data remember

Data transferred between GP systems must be scrupulously examined for errors. E-Health Insider looks at the issues involved and where
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GPs ‘over-perform’ on QoF by Ā£200m

Payments to GPs under the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF) of the new GMS contract look certain to massively exceed
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Data quality vital to electronic transfer of prescriptions

Keighley, the first pilot site for electronic transfer of prescriptions (ETP), has found that before new national systems can be
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Data migration hurdles detailed in leaked report

The complex task of transferring data from existing GP clinical systems into systems supplied under NHS Connecting for Health (CfH)
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