

Industry news in brief

This monthā€™s industry nibs includes NHS WalesĀ embarking on a new early payment programme for its suppliers and product launches.
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Norfolk Recovery Partnership trial new non-invasive drug test technology

Norfolk Recovery Partnership trial unique fingerprint-based drug test technology allowing them to detect traces of drugs via sweat.
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One in 10 prescriptions have errors

One in 10 written hospital prescriptions contain mistakes, most are minor and spotted but some are potentially lethal. In many cases
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Reported drug errors increase, says NPSA

The incidence of reported drug errors leading to avoidable deaths and patient harm is on the increase, according to a
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Primary care inspires review

EHI Primary Care editor Fiona Barr dissects the NHS IT review and identifies the wellspring of ideas that shaped it.
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EHI’s industry round up 31.7.2009

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers new and upgraded products, system deployments and other developments at leading healthcare IT
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Vein crawling mini robot developed

The Israeli Institute of Technology has created a miniature crawling robot small enough to crawl through human veins.
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NW Ambulance Service COIN

North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust has created a community of interest network to link its headquarters and ambulance stations.
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MHRA launches drug info debate

The UK’s medicines regulatory body has launched a consultation on the European Commission’s plans to change the rules on the
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Legal advice on SCR and Spine

GPs have been given medico-legal advice about the implications of using the Summary Care Record and uploading information to the
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