

Web 2.0 could be used in health e-learning

Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis, podcasts and blogs could be quite effective tools in e-learning for health professionals in
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Teachers’ TV offers e-learning lesson to clinicians

Medical professions could learn a great deal from the education sector in video-based online learning, particularly from projects such as
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Accolades for clinical and IT collaboration

NHS Connecting for Health has awarded five accolades to NHS organisations for their work in improving patient led services where
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HPA wins award for e-learning project

 The Health Protection Agency has won an award for an e-learning package that instructs doctors how to deal with major
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Evidence in practice

Sally Hernando from Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire WDC explains a new project to get learning materials about NPfIT into the
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Devon chooses Consensus for learning management

A learning management system supplied by CS Group has been chosen by five NHS trusts in the South Devon NHS
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West Midland Ambulance Service upgrades network

West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) has implemented a fully managed private network from Telewest Business, which for the first time
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Understanding e-learning

Dr Wassila Mehanna, e-learning consultant at Teknical, takes an academic perspective on the history and potential of the technology.
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NHSU online learning forums may close

The future of the Contact, Help, Advice and Information Networks (CHAINs), online forums for sharing research, ideas and event announcements,
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Telemedicine recommended for rural areas

Greater use of telemedicine in country areas is one of a broad range of strategies recommended by the British Medical Association
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