

Second southern RiO site goes live

Hampshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has become the second southern trust to go-live with RiO, following the additional contract that
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EHIā€™s industry round up 30.11.2009

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers news about system deployments, company partnerships, product launches and other developments in healthcare
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Expert view: Andy Bratt

The chief executive officer of Graphnet Health discusses ā€˜next generation interoperabilityā€™
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EHI’s industry round up 16.10.2009

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers news about system deployments, achievements and awards, and other developments in healthcare IT.
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GP practices report benefits from GP2GP

Clinicians and administrative staff have reported a range of substantial benefits from use of Connecting for Health’s GP2GP electronic records
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Vaulting ambition

The Conservatives may give commercial health record platforms a big role in their NHS IT strategy. But how are they
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Five trusts breach DPA

The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued further warnings to NHS bodies about the importance of protecting data, after revealing that
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Hampshire outsources IT support

NHS Hampshire has announced that it has selected Healthcare Computing for its IT managed support service. The contract award means
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CAF demonstrator details unveiled

The Department of Health has published an overview of the work being undertaken by the nine sites chosen as demonstrators
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Study finds issues with stroke triage

Software used by ambulance staff to triage calls misses more than 50% of people who have had a stroke, according
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