

Hi-tech bed sheets to monitor heart rate

Patient’s heart being monitored via bed sheet. Philips Research is to pilot a new bed with built-in sensors and the
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QRisk could cut heart disease

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recommended that the QRisk formula for identifying those most at risk of
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Belfast gets European Connected Health centre

Belfast, Northern Ireland, is to be the home of a new ‘European Centre for Connected Health’, intended to help test
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2008: the year telecare grows up?

A large evaluation of assistive technologies across health and social care begins next year, Fiona Barr reports.
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German industry group publishes telemedicine standards

Leading German electronic association the VDE has published a new set of standards for telemedicine to spur the development of
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Danish RTX make telemonitoring user friendly

German telemonitoring service provider Vitaphone has announced a joint venture with Denmark based RTX Healthcare, at Medica in DĆ¼sseldorf
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Remote monitoring first for Amsterdam hospital

St. Lucas Andreas Hospital has become the first in the Netherlands to introduce a remote monitoring system for cardiac patients
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Smartphone patient monitoring showcased

Finland’s, eHIT, a specialist in healthcare software, has developed a new patient sensor and smartphone-based monitoring system, to deliver round-the-clock
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RTX launch new telehealth monitor

Danish telecare specialist, RTX Healthcare, is to launch a new wireless telehealth monitor, which it claims is interoperable with any
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New telemedicine network in Bavaria

The Southern German state of Bavaria has announced the setup of a new major hospital telemedicine network that aims to
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