Informing Healthcare


Advice to Informing Healthcare

A group of international health professionals have met in Cardiff to evaluate and advise the organisation responsible for healthcare IT
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NHS Number limitations confirmed

The National Patient Safety Agency has confirmed that community pharmacists, community nurses and other groups of NHS workers will be
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New CIO for Welsh Assembly Government

Gwyn Thomas has been appointed as the chief information officer for the Welsh Assembly Government, E-Health Insider has learned. Dr
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Wireless days

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Hospital NHS Trust won the best use of wireless healthcare category of last yearā€™s BT e-Health
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50 practices to trial Welsh e-referrals

Almost 50 GP practices in Wales will shortly become early adopters for the Welsh electronic referral system, Informing Healthcare has
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Wales publishes pathology shortlist

Six companies have been shortlisted as potential providers to develop a national pathology laboratory system for Wales. The procurement is
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Thumbs up for ECDL in Wales

Health service staff believe basic IT skills training has improved the quality of care they give to patients, according to
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Welsh e-referral plans and controversy

Wales is due to launch its own electronic referral system in the summer, with a version of the clinical communications
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Hart green-lights major Welsh projects

Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has approved the outline business case for the roll out of the Individual Health Record
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New demographics services for Wales

Informing Healthcare is to roll-out its own demographics services from this month after sharing systems with England for more than
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