
BT Health MD: we need some acutes under our belt

BT Health managing director, Patrick O’Connell,  has told E-Health Insider that the pressure is mounting to deliver new systems to
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BT’s big mission

In an exclusive interview BT Health's managing director Patrick O'Connell updates EHI's Jon Hoeksma how BT is progressing on its
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TPP gets accredited for GP2GP record transfers

Primary care system supplier TPP has announced that it has been accredited by Connecting for Health to send and receive
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The end of the beginning?

Are we at the end of the beginning of NHS IT modernisation? Jon Hoeksma tests Churchill's famous quote against the
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Primary care to complete NPfIT by 2010

Primary care will have delivered most of its part of the National Programme for IT by 2010, according to Connecting
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Hopes for GP2GP completion by end of 2008

Connecting for Health hopes to rollout its GP2GP record transfer project to every practice in England by the end of
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Diabetic patients pilot new shared health records

Diabetic patients in Carmarthenshire, Wales are piloting new electronic health records which will share all information about their care and
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First GP2GP records transferred between different systems

The first GP2GP record transfers between different GP computer systems has taken place, health minister Lord Hunt has announced. The
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GP2GP reaches 500th mark ahead of time

Connecting for Health has implemented GP2GP at 500 practices, almost a month before the planned deadline of 31 March 2007.
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Exercising Choice

When Connecting for Health appointed its GP clinical leads two years ago, there were three big issues on the primary
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