

Seventeen South West trusts sign deal to support regional image sharing

The joint agreement with Wellbeing Software and Insignia Medical Systems will facilitate cross organisational image sharing across the South West.
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Special Report: VNA and Data Storage

As more and more documents are stored electronically, the need for suitable data storage grows. Jennifer Trueland investigates the growing
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Three Essex trusts migrate 150TB+ data to joint image system

Three Essex trusts are live with Insignia Medical Systemsā€™ PACS after completing a migration of over 150 terabytes of historical
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Industry news in brief

This month's industry nibs include multi-million pound funds for health technologies and a trust going live with a new image
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Half a billion images migrated at Oxford acute trust

One of the largest data migrations in the UK has been successfully undertaken at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation
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Healthcare IT industry news in brief

This weekā€™s industry round up features a new deal for Emis Health, a link-up between System C and an electronic
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Healthcare IT news in brief

This week's round-up of health IT news includes two updates from Wales about piloting e-referral functionality and a GP2GP system.
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Healthcare IT news in brief

This weekā€™s industry round-up includes the news that Yeovil Hospital has launched an online booking system and Bolton has updated
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South west trusts reap PACS benefits

Five trusts in the South West of England are beginning to reap the benefits of a new Insignia picture archiving
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CRRSing the digital divide

Lis Evenstad visits University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, which is taking a best of breed approach to going
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