

Summer Schools 2024 conference programme published

The programme for Summer Schools 2024 has been published, featuring national keynotes, NHS CEOs, digital leadership plenary sessions and more.
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First keynote announced as Summer Schools 2024 open for registrationsĀ Ā 

Vin Diwakar, interim director of transformation of NHSE, is confirmed as keynote for Digital Health Summer Schools 2024, which has
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How Mid and South Essex ICS have created a single waiting list to help speed up elective recovery

To help alleviate NHS backlogs, Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) partnered up with Insource to create a
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Tower Hamlets GP Care Group chooses Insource as data partner

Insource is working with Tower Hamlets GP Care Group as a trusted data partner to automate monthly NHSE reporting and
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Data Saves Lives: the importance of a complete, accurate data foundation

Sam Elliott, CEO of Insource Limited explains the importance of a complete and accurate data foundation if the Data Saves
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Northern Lincolnshire and Goole replace data warehouse

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust is replacing its data warehouse, with Insource as its strategic data management partner.
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Mid and South Essex ICS deploys unified patient tracking list

Mid and South Essex ICS is tackling its elective care wait list with a solution that aims to maximise capacity
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Industry news in brief

The Digital Health industry news round-up brings you news of a smartphone test for cardiovascular disease and a partnership to
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NHS Spine 2 managed entirely in-house

The new open source NHS Spine service is being run entirely in-house by the Health and Social Care Information Centre
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Insourcing works for Brighton and Sussex

ā€˜Insourcingā€™ services has helped Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust gain the upper hand in its development of IT,
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