Integrated Care System


First ratings show west and south west England ICSs least digitally mature

Latest results on digital maturity of ICSs have shown that those in the west and south west of England are
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Mid and South Essex to support integrated care with HealthTrust Europe

Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust has gained a commercial procurement partner in HealthTrust Europe, to support integrated care
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The Kingā€™s Fund interoperability report highlights relationships and technology

A report by The Kingā€™s Fund has highlighted the importance of relationships and technology for interoperability to progress in integrated
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Digital Health Unplugged: How a shared domain can impact an ICS

The next episode of Digital Health Unplugged takes a look on how a shared domain can impact an Integrated Care
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Why mobilised data is the most valuable tool in healthcare

Dr Martin Farrier explains why mobilised data is the most valuable tool in healthcare and that this will especially be
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NHS Dorset Integrated Care System appoints a chief digital officer

NHS Dorset has made two new appointments to its board with a new chief digital information officer and a chief
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eConsult CEO on the ICS impact on healthcare IT and the AI potential

The CEO of eConsult, has spoken about what the introduction of ICSs could mean for healthcare IT and why they
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Graphnet shared record to unite Black Country and West Birmingham ICS

Black Country and West Birmingham ICS has teamed up with Graphnet Health to deliver an ICS-wide shared record that will
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Movers and Shakers news roundup

Our November roundup of appointments features a new digital navigator and project lead at NHS Surrey Heartlands CCG and Better
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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS sign shared care deal with Orion

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS will soon have a new shared care record from Orion Health to help deliver efficient coordinated
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