

Summer Schools 2024 conference programme published

The programme for Summer Schools 2024 has been published, featuring national keynotes, NHS CEOs, digital leadership plenary sessions and more.
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Cybersecurity news round-up

This monthā€™s cybersecurity round-up features the news that a freshly-discovered vulnerability affecting major CPU manufacturers could leave millions of computers
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Dell supports MCC launch with trial data

Dell and Intel have published research showing that clinicians in ten hospitals across Europe achieved significant time and security gains
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Wakefield and BT trial Intel tech

BT and NHS Wakefield District have announced a telehealth trial for patients suffering from chronic heart failure, using the Intel
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Intel and GE launch Care Innovations

Intel and GE have begun operation of their joint venture telehealth company, Care Innovations. The new company will focus telehealth
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Health Guide gets first English trial

NHS Central Lancashire is using Intel’s Health Guide with COPD patients in Preston so they can monitor their condition from
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Intel to expand Health Guide in Europe

Intel has announced plans to expand the use of its Health Guide home telehealth system in Europe to target patients
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GE and Intel step-up Health Guide push

GE Healthcare and Intel have expanded their agreement to market the Intel Health Guide in the UK. The Health Guide
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Intel launches text reader

Intel has launched a handheld mobile reader that allows people with learning disabilities and those with poor vision to photograph text
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ā€˜Virtual tea roomā€™ pilot announced

The TRIL Centre is to operate a social networking pilot to encourage older people who are house bound or socially
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