

3millionlives concordat signed

The Department of Health formally launched its 3millionlives campaign on the day that the 2020 Health think-tank urged the NHS
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DHID and Intellect issue ‘plan of works’

The Department of Health's Informatics Directorate and Intellect have issued a 'plan of works' to help create a 'vibrant' healthcare
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NHS ‘lacks skills’ for info revolution

Intellect has argued that the National Programme for IT in the NHS may have left some trusts without the skills
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Intellect: ā€˜cuts mean IT investment’

The chair of Intellectā€™s Health Group, Jeremy Nettle, has told E-Health Insider he expects increased investment in health IT in
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Four in ten readers expect cuts

Four out of ten NHS IT staff are expecting their budgets to decrease next year, and a further 36% expect
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Toolkit to nail interoperability – Jones

The new NHS interoperability toolkit has the potential to drive down the cost of interoperability and innovation, according to the
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Intellect calls for more IT in diabetes care

The trade association Intellect has expressed disappointment that the Department of Health’s latest policy statement on diabetes fails to give
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LISs to LIPs with the Health Informatics Review

The much anticipated Health Informatics Review only comes close to setting a new direction for the national programme. But it
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Inside story – ASCC

EHI looks at the unanswered questions of ASCC, Joe Fernandez reports.
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CfH awards 61 ASCC clinical contracts

Connecting for Health has awarded the eagerly anticipated Additional Supply Capability and Capacity framework contracts for clinical information systems.
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