
NHS ramps up spend on management consultants

 Spending on management consultants across the public sector has reached a record a record £3bn a year, with an increase
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Minister responsible for NPfIT to retire

Lord Warner the health minister responsible for the £12.4bn NHS IT project is to retire at the end of the
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MP “looking into” how NAO report was drafted

Commons Public Accounts Committee member and outspoken scrutiniser of the National Programme for IT, Richard Bacon MP, says he is
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‘Engage, understand and manage’ says NAO report

More engagement, understanding and better management is needed, if the public sector is to successfully deliver new IT services, according
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DH carrying out ‘confidential’ review of CfH

E-Health Insider has learned that an urgent ‘confidential’ review of the NHS IT programme and structure of Connecting for Health,
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NHS Direct patient database approaches first birthday

NHS Direct, the health service’s telephone and online advice service will celebrate the first birthday of its single national database
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IC deal with Dr Foster under NAO scrutiny

The controversial deal to form a joint venture between the Health and Social Care Information Centre and a private company
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NAO planning to look again at NPfIT

The National Audit Office (NAO) has confirmed that it plans to carry out a second study of the late-running £12bn National
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Criticisms of NHS IT programme were cut from NAO report

Detailed criticisms of the management of the NHS IT modernisation programme, being overseen by Connecting for Health, were cut from
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Cayton to lead summary records taskforce

Patients’ ‘tsar’ and chair of the Care Records Development Board, Harry Cayton, will lead the taskforce set up to help
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