NHS Direct


Calling up a storm

Thomas Meek looks at the troubled history of NHS 111 in the first of a short series of features looking
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Put GPs on NHS 111 calls – Hakin

Providers of the NHS 111 telephone service should have GPs on hand to provide clinical advice at peak times, according
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NHS England to spend Ā£33m on 111 tech

NHS England will spend Ā£33m on re-procuring technical elements of NHS 111, a board paper has revealed.
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Scotland live with 111

Scotland has gone live with NHS 111 as the new contact number for the Scottish health advice helpline NHS 24;
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HSCIC takes NHS Direct services

The Health and Social Care Information Centre will take over some NHS Direct services, such as online symptom checkers, from
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Last 111 sites live in February

The last NHS 111 sites are due to go live with the service in February 2014, nearly a year after
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NHS 111 increased ambulance call-outs

NHS 111 increased the use of ambulances in England during its first year of operation, a new study shows.
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NHS Direct to close next March

NHS Direct announced today that it will ā€œcease operationsā€ at the end of March 2014 and that its services will
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NHS 111 procurements on hold

Clinical commissioning groups have been told not to agree any NHS 111 contracts to start before April 2015 while NHS
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NHS Direct faces uncertain future

Ambulance trusts and GP out-of-hours providers will take over NHS 111 services from NHS Direct by the end of November.
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