NHS Providers


Driving innovation a key theme at Parliament and Health Tech conference

Representatives from technology companies, NHS organisations and accelerators heard from expert panels about the future of health tech at the
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Digital roadmaps deadline “Unrealistic” – IT directors

Some NHS IT directors have called the deadlines for digital roadmaps ā€œunrealisticā€ but NHS England remains confident that ā€œmostā€ plans
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Local digital roadmaps: a long way to go, not much time to get there

Isabel Lobo, senior healthcare analyst at NHS Providers, discusses some of the issues raised by a survey of trust informatics
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Digital maturity: what does it mean, and how are we doing?

Cindy Fedell, director of informatics at Bradford Teaching Hospitals and chair of the NHS Providers Informatics Leadership Network, considers the
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CCGs ā€˜must consultā€™ on digital roadmaps

Clinical commissioning groups must work closely with all local health providers to develop and deliver local digital roadmaps, NHS Providers
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