

Information at heart of NHS Constitution

Providing information to support choice is a “major priority” for the health service, according to the new NHS Constitution for
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IT underpins NHS reform in Queenā€™s speech

The government is planning to introduce a health bill to Parliament that will require further investment in IT and new
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NHS chief execs may be accountable for data loss

The Information Commissioner has backed proposals by cabinet secretary, Sir Gus O’Donnell to hold senior Whitehall figures and NHS chief executives
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EU Parliament amends assisted living project

Members of the European Parliament have stressed that the new Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) programme must be cost effective and
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Scottish pharmacies want emergency records access

Community Pharmacy Scotland, representing the owners of Scotland’s 1200 chemists, has made appropriate access to the Scottish Emergency Care Summary
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Children’s services system wins national IT award

The West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP) has won the Local Government IT Excellence Award for its ‘C-Me’
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Academics call for NPfIT technical assessment

A group of 23 computer science academics from around the UK have written an open letter calling for an “independent
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NHS 24 waiting times unacceptable, says SNP

The Scottish National Party has accused the Scottish Executive of "staggering incompetence" over what it sees as rising call-back times
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Major ministerial reshuffle for health

John Hutton, the health minister whose responsibilities included NHS IT, has been promoted in the post-election reshuffle. He enters the
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NAO to investigate National Programme for IT

In an unusual move the £6.2 billion National Programme for IT (NPfIT) is to be investigated by the National Audit
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