Paul Hodgkin


Power to the People

Paul Hodgkin, the chief executive of Patient Opinion, says the NHS has turned Henry Fordā€™s old adage into ā€œyou can
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin argues that complaints are escaping their institutional cages, and providers need a new and better response as they
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin, the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, admits that people arenā€™t always very nice; and that they
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Power to the people

Dr Paul Hodgkin, the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, wonders why policy makers are obsessed with choice, when
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Power to the people

Dr Paul Hodgkin, the founder of Patient Opinion, joins eHealth Insider as a columnist, and advises the NHS to prepare
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EHI Live interview: Paul Hodgkin

Chris Thorne talks to the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, who has played an increasingly influential role in
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