
Underpin the vision for primary care-led services with better data

'Hard to quantify' primary and community care has been overlooked for too long. That could be about to change, thanks
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Better information sharing will improve diabetes care

Clinical decisions about people with diabetes are too often based on "guesswork". Effective information sharing - aided by the PRSB's
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We need strategic national direction to achieve a single, holistic view of peopleā€™s health information

Adopting PRSBā€™s information standard to support person-centred care planning would be a ā€˜pragmaticā€™ step in the right direction for trusts,
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NHSE publishes guidance on digitising documentation for nurses

With the continued push for digitisation in the NHS, new guidance for digital documentation by nurses has been published by
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PRSBā€™s Community Pharmacy Standard will help unlock local pharmacists’ potential

Standardising community pharmacy information so it can be shared digitally should reduce the burden on GPs and lead to safer,
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How digital tools can support patient safety

Digital solutions can improve information sharing and reduce the errors that cost lives. But they should be implemented carefully to
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blueBriX digital health platform expands into pharmaceutical sector

Digital health platform blueBriX is expanding into the pharma sector, supporting the use of software as a medical device to
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Why arenā€™t we better at sharing transfer of care information?

Tech suppliers and NHS providers need to work together to improve the sharing of information at discharge. They should begin
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Why are we stuck in first gear with Shared Care Records?

An excessive focus on innovation may be getting in the way of progress, says Lorraine Foley, from the Professional Record
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