

Finland establishes industry e-health centre

The Finnish health and welfare sector has established a strategic expertise centre (T&H SHOK) focused on improving health and well-being
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UK telehealth trials missing minorities

Concerns have been raised that the UK’s biggest ever trial of telehealth technologies is excluding non-English speaking people, despite the
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European hospitals share real-time videos

Hospitals in Norway, Italy and Spain have been linked together using an advanced video conferencing system enabling them to share
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Burnham wants ā€˜health service fit for the digital ageā€™

New health secretary Andy Burnham has said that despite the NHS’ coming financial problems, he still wants to see a
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Confed: future ‘unprecedentedly difficult’

The NHS Confederation has warned that the health service is facing a Ā£15 billion shortfall from 2010-11 and changed ways
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Apprentice sells ad screens to NHS

The winner of the BBC business entertainment series The Apprentice will work for a business selling digital signs to GP
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IC boss sets out quality programmes

The chief executive of the Information Centre has claimed that the UK has the potential to have the best technology
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Map of Medicine use cuts poor referrals

Use of Map of Medicine in primary care has led to a significant reduction in inadequate referrals from GPs, according
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Wireless days

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Hospital NHS Trust won the best use of wireless healthcare category of last yearā€™s BT e-Health
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Best Use of wireless healthcare

The best use of wireless healthcare category was won by Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust. The runners up were
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