
Care.data stuck in the last chance saloon

Critics of care.data say it is sitting in the ā€œlast chance saloonā€. Sam Sachdeva looks at its prospects in the
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CQC under fire over monitoring data

The Care Quality Commission has been criticised after incorrectly placing 60 GP practices in high-risk categories due to ā€œseverely flawedā€
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CCIOs ‘ideally placed’ to navigate IG

Chief clinical information officers are ideally placed to navigate tensions between patient safety and information governance when it comes to
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Another view: of appraisal and software

Many of Neil Paulā€™s GP colleagues have been upset by the news that two appraisal toolkits are merging. Heā€™s worried
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Game on for patient online

There hasnā€™t been much news about new, online services for patients recently. But Dr Peter Short from the HSCIC tells
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Crisis of confidence in care.data – RCGP

The Royal College of General Practitioners has called on NHS England to provide urgent reassurance about the safeguards surrounding its
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Vision for a 2022 GP

Patients of the future will expect to use social media and virtual clinics to interact with their GPs, the Royal
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GPs can ride the social media highway

A practical guide to help UK doctors navigate the ethical and confidentiality dilemmas posed by social media has been published
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GPSoC to mandate online patient access

The IT necessary to provide patients with online access to their GP records needs to be mandated via the GP
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National discharge summary developed

A mental health discharge summary has been developed to standardise information GPs get when a patient is discharged from inpatient
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