
Cornwall digitises children’s records

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has transferred all of its childrenā€™s records onto a bespoke version of its RiO electronic
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CCIO profile: James Reed

Claire Read talks to the chief clinical information officer of Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust about how
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First RiO trust picks new supplier

The first of thirty community and mental health trusts in London and the South has picked a preferred supplier to
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Decision expected on NPfIT exit costs

Trusts are hoping for an announcement soon on whether they or central government will bear the cost of exiting National
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Trusts get RiO upgrade

BT is upgrading community and mental health organisations in London and the south of England to Release 2 of electronic
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Ā£600m in LPfIT costs post 2011

More than half of the estimated Ā£1.2 billion cost of the London Programme for IT is being paid out after
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Mental health trust appoints CCIO

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has appointed a consultant psychiatrist as chief clinical information officer.
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Ā£575m SPfIT benefits yet to be realised

The Southern Programme for IT will cost nearly Ā£1 billion by the end of the programme, but had reaped just
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NPfIT to cost Ā£10 billion

The final cost of the National Programme for IT in the NHS is expected to be more than Ā£10 billion.
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Coroner encourages mobile working

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has deployed mobile devices to staff after an inquest heard that access
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